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About the software
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Current version

is a C++ library and a simple text frontend that can manage files on a
Samsung Yepp-NEU Usb Mp3 player (USB IDS: Vendor 0x4E8, Product 0x5A00).

The big issue with this device is that the original Samsung software encrypts MP3 with SecuMAX before sending them to the player. The device itself plays only encrypted MP3s. In short: you won't be able to play the MP3s you download to the player with yex. As I don't have access to SecuMAX encryption schema this problem will likely remain, sorry. However you can use the gadget as a portable storage.

Breno H. Leitao reported that a device "20000819YP-NEKU" works with yex (as of version 0.0.3) and it ALSO PLAYS SONGS, if you rename .mp3 files to .sm3 BEFORE DOWNLOADING them to the player.

There is another program that more or less does the job, it is called SULU, and its source helped me a lot in developing YEX. The options parsing library is tclap, from Michael Smoot and others.
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Features may be implemented by the library but not the commandline frontend
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Requirements (between braces, in bold, are tested versions)
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Current version is 0.0.4
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Last revised: $Date: 2005/05/25 18:56:37 $